Stripes with pearls

Las rayas dan mucho juego, a mí me encantan. 
En este look predomina el negro, salvo el collar y las rayas blancas del jersey. Es bastante básico y vale para el día día y cambiando los zapatos y el bolso, para la noche también.
Qué os parece?

The stripes give much game, I love them.
This look is mostly black, except the necklace and white stripes. It's pretty basic and you can wear it for the day day and changing shoes and handbag, for the night too.
What do you think?

Total look: ZARA
Abrigo / Coat: Los Telares
Botas / Boots: Charo Fernández

Pasad un feliz martes.
Gracias por vuestras visitas y comentarios.
Muchos beso.

Have a happy Thuesday.
Thanks for your visits and comments.
A lot of kisses...

6 comentarios:

  1. este look es estupendo! UN clasico que siempre se ve bien:) saludos

    Frank Vinyl
    California Personal Style Blog

  2. Me gusta mucho el look, tengo esas botas, el bolso y el collar!! Tenemos gustos muy parecidos ;)
    Un beso!

    1. Muchas gracias!!
      La verdad es que si. Ya te sigo.

      Un beso

  3. Nice outfit Angela! These rubber riding boots look like the Decathlon but are probably more comfy & expensive. Is it'nt?Do you wear them a lot?
    Check my blog about rain boots fashion in the world! Besitos!

    1. Thanks so much!!!
      I bought them in a local shop in Vigo last year and they cost 26€. I use them a lot because here rain a lot now and they are very comfy. I want to buy them on brown.



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